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       Application for Pool Permit

Town of Pelham




A. Project Information

Does this property have an easement?
Does this property have a septic system (if "yes" see additional requirements of the attached checklist)

B. Purpose of Application

Select Type

C. Owner Information

Applicant is:

D. Pool Contractor Information

E. Required Attachments

 i) Attach Site Plan Drawing (See accompanying checklist sheet for details to be included on drawing)

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

H. Completeness and Compliance with Applicable Laws

i) I understand that all Electrical wiring must be inspected by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). I
must file separate Inspection Applications (permits) with the ESA. For More information and to
arrange an inspection by an ESA Inspector please call the Electrical Safety Authority at 1-877-
372-7233 or visit their website at
Please Select
ii) I understand this application is to be accompanied by the plans and specifications prescribed by the 
appropriate By-law, Resolution or Regulation made under clause 7(1)(b) of the Building Code Act, 1992
Please Select
iii) I understand that the proposed construction will not contravene any applicable law
Please Select
iv) I understand that local and provincial laws mandate that separate and additional building permits may be required for the construction of decking, gazebo’s, sheds, covered porches, covered decks, tents and other accessory buildings. I am to contact the Town of Pelham Building Department directly at 905.892.2607 ext. 321 for further information and inquiries. I understand that failure to obtain necessary permits can result in provincial charges, fines and penalties including Orders to remove structures built without a permit.
Please Select



I. Declaration of Applicant

I declare that:
1. The information contained in this application plans, specifications, and other attached documentation is true
to the best of my knowledge.
2. If the owner is a corporation or partnership, I have the authority to bind the corporation or partnership.

Personal information contained in this form and schedules is collected under the authority of subsection 8(1.1) of the Building Code Act, 1992, and will be used in the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act, 1992 and all applicable By-laws. Questions about the collection of personal information may be addressed to: a) the Director of By-law Services of the municipality or upper-tier municipality to which this application is being made, or, b) Director, Building and Development Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay St., 2nd Floor. Toronto, M5G 2E5 (416) 585-6666.

Self Checklist



Required Approvals 

Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC)



If your property is under NEC jurisdiction please contact them prior to submitting this application

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA)

(905) 788-3135



If your property is under NPCA jurisdiction please obtain their approval prior to submitting this application.

Region of Niagara Works Department

(905) 685-1571
Septic System

If your property has a septic system, you must obtain written approval from the Region for the proposed location of your pool prior to submitting this application.

Planning Department

(905) 892-2607 ext. 321
Minor Variance/Consent  

Building Department

(905) 892-2607 ext. 344
Final Grading Approval  

Requirements for Permit Application


Application for Permit

Completed & Signed

Site Plan Drawing

(Can be hand drawn, to scale not required)

All existing and/or proposed structures, including house, decks, patios, sheds, and fences


Pool Minimum Setback Requirements

1.5m(4.92ft) from property line

3.0m(9.84ft) if the rear yard abuts neighboring side yard

Pool Location:

Showing distance from pool to property lines.


Pool Equipment Minimum Setback Requirements

1.2m(4ft) if enclosed

3.0m(9.84) if not inclosed

Pool Circulation Equipment:

Showing distance from equipment to property lines and indicating if the equipment is enclosed within a structure or not.


Fence Requirments

Minimum height 1.5m(4.92ft) maximum height 1.82m(6ft)

Solid and safe construction

(Please refer to the pool Bylaw at for the complete regulations and requirements )

Fences and gates:

Showing height and material of construction

(Please refer to the pool Bylaw at for the complete regulations and requirements )


Gate Requirements

Self-closing and latching, same height requirements as the fence. Additional requirements apply to double gates

(Please refer to the pool Bylaw at for the complete regulations and requirements )


Showing height and material of construction

(Please refer to the pool Bylaw at for the complete regulations and requirements )


 Fees To Be Collected At Permit Stage

Amount Due


Pool Permit Fee



Security Deposit





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